Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Sunday: Prayers of the Faithful

(Easter Sunday-31 March 2013)

(Priest):                                Christ is the Lord of life, raised up by the Father; in turn he will raise us up by his power. Let us address our petitions to the heavenly Father as we pray:
“Father, we beseech you, hear us”
·       May the Church proclaim with all courage your Son’s victory to a world living in sin, in agony, and in fear. We pray: (R)

·       May the ecclesiastical and government leaders die to their personal interest so that like the Good Shepherd they may serve your people faithfully. We pray: (R)

·       May all the baptized believers die to their sins and live up to their dignity as children of God. We pray: (R)

·       May there be new hope and life for our nation through clean, honest, and credible elections, and the advent of a capable and principled leadership. We pray: (R)

·       May the faithful departed share in Christ’s glorious Resurrection. We pray: (R)

(Priest):                                Father, your Son conquered the power of death. Let our celebration today raise us up and renew our lives, through Jesus our Lord, who lives and reigns with you for ever and ever.  Amen.

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