Saturday, August 31, 2013

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

(21st Sunday Ordinary Time)

A pleasant day to everyone!

          Our Gospel today is a wake-up call. Knowing the Lord and the Gospel is not enough. It is necessary to live the life that Jesus lived and put His word into practice.  Entrance into God’s kingdom is not easy. We have to pass through the narrow door.
          May we have the humility to see that God’s kingdom is a gift which we have to accept with joy and courage, so that it may bear fruit in our lives.

Prayers of the Faithful
(21sth Sunday Ordinary Time)

(Priest):            Let us pray that we may have hearts open to welcome all peoples as brothers and sisters, fellow travelers, and partakers in the Lord’s banquet. With confidence, we pray:
“Lord, listen to your people.”

·       That after preaching to others, the ministers of the Word may live what they preach so that they may become credible witnesses and will not be left out of the reign of God, we pray: (R)

·       That we may see ourselves not as the only ones who will be saves but, like the rest, as partakers of the Lord’s gift of salvation, we pray: (R)

·       That those who suffer in any way and those who feel they may have difficulty passing through the “narrow door” may come closer to Christ who saved us through His cross, we pray: (R)

·       That the Church, the government, and the affluent sectors of our society may address the basic social and economic needs of the less privileged so that we may avoid rift and class struggle among our people, we pray: (R)

·       That our departed loved ones may know the joy of the heavenly banquet together with the forebears and all the holy ones, we pray: (R)

(Priest):            Fill our family with your Spirit, Lord, so that our lives may give you praise and glory.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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