Tuesday, June 11, 2013

10th Sunday Ordinary Time

(10th Sunday Ordinary Time)

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, good morning!

Today, the disciples and the large crowd witness Jesus revealing his compassion by bringing back to life the only son of the widow. 
For the Jewish society, the orphans and the widows are traditionally considered helpless and insignificant.  By raising and giving back the young son to his mother, Jesus shows a gesture that evokes God’s mercy and love regardless of the human person’s status in the society. 
Jesus indeed reveals, through His words and deeds, the mind and purpose of the Father when He takes care of the poor and weak not only physically but also spiritually.
        To begin our Eucharistic celebration, let us all stand for the entrance hymn!

Prayers of the Faithful
(10th Sunday Ordinary Time)

(Priest):                        To show His divine compassion and authority, Jesus performed miracles.  Filled with awe at these wonders let us pray to the Father who sent us such a Savior:

“God of life hear our prayer”

·       That God’s love and care may be shown to our people through the guidance and help of our Church pastors.  We pray: (R)

·       That the state may become a channel of God’s compassionate love by the special attention and assistance they extend to the poor and sick people.  We pray: (R)

·       That those who have recently suffered the loss of a loved one may, with God’s help, recover their faith in life.  We pray: (R)

·       That like the widow’s son, sick people may experience the healing hand of Jesus. We pray: (R)

·       That the faithful departed may be raised to the fullness of life in God’s presence. We pray: (R)

(Priest):                        God our Father, guide us in our gesture to touch the brokenhearted and help them experience your Son, who has come among us.  This we ask through Christ our Lord.  Amen.

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