Friday, July 26, 2013

PRAY Until Something Happens:

(17th Sunday Ordinary Time)

A pleasant day to everyone!

        Today the Catholic Church in the Philippines celebrates Fil-Mission Sunday, a day set aside to remind us of our missionary vocation to share Christ to all peoples, especially those in Asia and Oceania. Let us offer this Eucharist for the Filipino diocesan priest-missionaries of the Mission Society of the Philippines (MSP) who represent our missionary apostolate to other peoples. Let us extend our support through prayers, sacrifices, and material offerings.
        Let us be united with the mission of the Church to preach the Good News so that people everywhere may know and pray to God who is Abba, our loving Father.
        To begin our celebration, let us all stand for the entrance hymn.

Prayers of the Faithful
(17th Sunday Ordinary Time)

(Priest):            The Lord Jesus asks us to pray with confidence to the Father. In a special way, we pray for the members and collaborators of the Mission Society of the Philippines, that through their concerned efforts, more people will  be drawn to the Father. Let our response  be;
“Lord, hear our prayer.”

·       For the Pope, bishops, priests, consecrated people, and missionaries: In their life and apostolate, may they radiate the Father’s love and care for His children. We pray: (R)

·       For our government leaders: May they see themselves not as masters lording it over the people but as guardians entrusted with the welfare of all, especially the poor and the weak. We pray: (R)

·       For the members of the Mission Society of the Philippines and all Filipino missionaries: May they share with other peoples the best of Catholic Philippines; may they receive support from the Church leaders and the lay faithful. We pray: (R)

·       For those who have not yet heard of Christ, especially our brothers and sisters in Asia and Oceania: May the Holy Spirit open their minds and hearts to the Good News of salvation. We pray: (R)

·       For young men and women: May they have the courage and generosity to answer the call of Christ to serve in the missionary apostolate of priests, brothers, sisters, catechists, or lay leaders. We pray: (R)

(Priest):            Father, teach us to appreciate your gift of faith. Grant that we may learn to support generously the needs of the missionary apostolate by prayers, sacrifices, and material assistance.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Tune in to the Lord!: 16th Sunday Ordinary Time

(16th Sunday Ordinary Time)

A pleasant day to everyone!

        Like Martha in today’s Gospel, we can be “anxious and upset about many things” when entertaining visitors. We can learn something from Mary. We can go out of our way to be attentive to our visitors. We can spend time to listen to their stories. They need to be listened to just as much as they need to be served food.

        The same is true in our life of faith. What the Lord wants to us, first of all, is to be close to Him, to put our trust in Him amid life’s concerns.
        To begin our celebration, let us all stand for the entrance hymn.

Prayers of the Faithful
(16th Sunday Ordinary Time)

(Priest):            Let us turn to the Lord that our lives may be marked by a deep love for Him shown in hospitality and service to others. Full of trust, we pray:
“Lord, listen to our prayer.”

·       That those who exercise authority in the Church, or in the government may listen to the Lord and learn from Him to be humble servants, we pray: (R)

·       That those who dedicate themselves to the care of their families or to the service of the sick, the poor, and the handicapped may learn to give themselves in joy and in love, we pray: (R)

·       That those who are anxious and upset about many things at home or at work may know how to give priority to the more important things and spare themselves useless anxiety, we pray: (R)

·       That we may reflect the kindness and compassion of Christ in all our contacts with our fellow men and women, we pray: (R)

·       That the Lord may keep in safety those who travel today, restore our physical and spiritual energies, and give comfort to the sick and the dying, we pray: (R)

(Priest):            Lord, we pray for guidance and enlightenment. Make us sensitive to the needs of others in whom we see Christ Himself.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Show Mercy to Those Whom You Hate: 15th Sunday Ordinary Time

(15th Sunday Ordinary Time)

A pleasant day to everyone!

        In today’s Gospel, Jesus is asked, “What must I do to inherit everlasting life?” It is a question that we ourselves earnestly ask today. What must we do in order to be saved? Jesus narrates to us the parable of the Good Samaritan.
        This is a story in which people have friends and enemies, meet accidents, avoid trouble, or go out of the way to help someone. To be a neighbor is to be more human; one who is more sensitive to life and to the joys and pains of people. It is in being a neighbor that our faith is shown for what it really is, and not merely as some form of dogma.

Prayers of the Faithful
(15th Sunday Ordinary Time)

(Priest):                        Let us pray that we may learn to imitate the unconditional love of God as depicted in the Parable of the Good Samaritan. With all sincerity we pray:
“Lord, let us love you in others.”

·       That the ministers of the Church, Pope Francis, bishops, priests and deacons may not only speak about love, but be compassionate and loving, so that after preaching to others, they themselves may receive the gift of salvation, we pray: (R)

·       That our newly elected officials may not only focus on administering the basic services of government to the community but also design programs that would improve the living condition of the citizenry, we pray: (R)

·       That those whose profession is to the help the sick and the needy – doctors, nurses, social workers – may be strongly motivated by gentleness and love for those they help, we pray: (R)

·       That those who “lie wounded on the road” – the street children, the victims of sexual abuse, the old and the lonely – may find good Samaritans who will assist them and restore their health and confidence, we pray: (R)

·       That the Lord may reward those who prove to be good neighbors to us, and that we in turn may learn to give a helping hand to those in need, we pray: (R)

(Priest):                        Father of all mercies, we come to you with praise and gratitude for your loving concern. May your Spirit be always with us as we strive to live your commandment of love.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Be An Ambassador of Peace: 14th Sunday Ordinary Time

14th Sunday Ordinary Time

A pleasant day to everyone!

        Part of our daily duty as believers in Christ is to share the Good News with others.  In the Gospel the Lord appoints seventy-two (72) disciples to towns and villages that He intends to visit.  The task of preaching the Gospel is not confined to the twelve apostles.  It is a mission given to all of Jesus’ disciples. 
        We rejoice not so much in our success but in that, the Lord shares with us His saving work and that we have a sure reward with Him in heaven.
        To begin with our Eucharistic celebration, please stand for the entrance hymn.

Prayers of the Faithful
(14th Sunday Ordinary Time)

(Priest):                        The Lord, the Master of the harvest, continues to send laborers even in our own time.  Let us pray that generous people may take the challenge of announcing the Gospel.  With confidence, we pray:

“Lord, send good laborers to Your harvest”

·       May the people of God nourish themselves with the Word of God in order to be “servants of the Word” in the work of evangelization.  May they have the burning conviction of the apostle Paul, who cried out: “Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel.”  We pray: (R)

·       May all people realize that they, too, are missionaries called to bear witness to the Gospel in the vast and complex world of politics, economics, industry, education, science, the arts, and the media of social communication.  We pray: (R)

·       May all workers in the new evangelization rejoice that their names are written in heaven and so keep from getting discouraged when faced with cold reception or even hostility in their mission.  We pray: (R)

·       May all prophets in the Church and in the world point to the radical message of the Gospel, even if doing so would make them downright unpopular, for the cross may be a scandal or folly to some people.  We pray: (R)

·       May those who are discouraged and wounded by life not grow bitter but instead draw strength from our presence and friendship.  We pray: (R)

(Priest):                        Father, You send Jesus to be one with us and to show us Your endless love for humanity.  May we continue His mission and be worthy to be called His disciples.  We ask this through Christ, our Lord.  Amen.

Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

October 14, 2018 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance: Table of Plenty Come With Praise Kon Magkatigum Ta Pag-aalaala P...