Friday, July 19, 2013

Tune in to the Lord!: 16th Sunday Ordinary Time

(16th Sunday Ordinary Time)

A pleasant day to everyone!

        Like Martha in today’s Gospel, we can be “anxious and upset about many things” when entertaining visitors. We can learn something from Mary. We can go out of our way to be attentive to our visitors. We can spend time to listen to their stories. They need to be listened to just as much as they need to be served food.

        The same is true in our life of faith. What the Lord wants to us, first of all, is to be close to Him, to put our trust in Him amid life’s concerns.
        To begin our celebration, let us all stand for the entrance hymn.

Prayers of the Faithful
(16th Sunday Ordinary Time)

(Priest):            Let us turn to the Lord that our lives may be marked by a deep love for Him shown in hospitality and service to others. Full of trust, we pray:
“Lord, listen to our prayer.”

·       That those who exercise authority in the Church, or in the government may listen to the Lord and learn from Him to be humble servants, we pray: (R)

·       That those who dedicate themselves to the care of their families or to the service of the sick, the poor, and the handicapped may learn to give themselves in joy and in love, we pray: (R)

·       That those who are anxious and upset about many things at home or at work may know how to give priority to the more important things and spare themselves useless anxiety, we pray: (R)

·       That we may reflect the kindness and compassion of Christ in all our contacts with our fellow men and women, we pray: (R)

·       That the Lord may keep in safety those who travel today, restore our physical and spiritual energies, and give comfort to the sick and the dying, we pray: (R)

(Priest):            Lord, we pray for guidance and enlightenment. Make us sensitive to the needs of others in whom we see Christ Himself.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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