Friday, July 5, 2013

Be An Ambassador of Peace: 14th Sunday Ordinary Time

14th Sunday Ordinary Time

A pleasant day to everyone!

        Part of our daily duty as believers in Christ is to share the Good News with others.  In the Gospel the Lord appoints seventy-two (72) disciples to towns and villages that He intends to visit.  The task of preaching the Gospel is not confined to the twelve apostles.  It is a mission given to all of Jesus’ disciples. 
        We rejoice not so much in our success but in that, the Lord shares with us His saving work and that we have a sure reward with Him in heaven.
        To begin with our Eucharistic celebration, please stand for the entrance hymn.

Prayers of the Faithful
(14th Sunday Ordinary Time)

(Priest):                        The Lord, the Master of the harvest, continues to send laborers even in our own time.  Let us pray that generous people may take the challenge of announcing the Gospel.  With confidence, we pray:

“Lord, send good laborers to Your harvest”

·       May the people of God nourish themselves with the Word of God in order to be “servants of the Word” in the work of evangelization.  May they have the burning conviction of the apostle Paul, who cried out: “Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel.”  We pray: (R)

·       May all people realize that they, too, are missionaries called to bear witness to the Gospel in the vast and complex world of politics, economics, industry, education, science, the arts, and the media of social communication.  We pray: (R)

·       May all workers in the new evangelization rejoice that their names are written in heaven and so keep from getting discouraged when faced with cold reception or even hostility in their mission.  We pray: (R)

·       May all prophets in the Church and in the world point to the radical message of the Gospel, even if doing so would make them downright unpopular, for the cross may be a scandal or folly to some people.  We pray: (R)

·       May those who are discouraged and wounded by life not grow bitter but instead draw strength from our presence and friendship.  We pray: (R)

(Priest):                        Father, You send Jesus to be one with us and to show us Your endless love for humanity.  May we continue His mission and be worthy to be called His disciples.  We ask this through Christ, our Lord.  Amen.

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