Sunday, May 19, 2013

Feast of the Ascension of the Lord: Cycle C

(Feast of the Ascension of the Lord)

A pleasant day to everyone and Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers!

Today we celebrate Ascension Sunday, the time when the Risen Christ goes up to heaven to take his place at the right hand of the Father. In his exultation, Christ receives sovereign authority and power over creation and all history. But the Ascension is also a saving event for us. “It is much better for you that I go . .  If I go, I will send the Paraclete to you”. The Risen Christ continues to work with us amid our current situation and realities.
Today, we also celebrate the 47th World Communications Day with the theme proposed by Pope Benedict XVI:   “Social Networks: portals of truth and faith; new spaces for evangelization.” 
May our choices, preferences and judgments be fully consistent with the Gospel.
        Please rise for the entrance hymn!

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