Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Prayers of the Faithful (5thSunday of Easter)

Prayers of the Faithful
(5thSunday of Easter)

(Priest):          Because the measure of love is that of the Lord Jesus, this love is immeasurable.  Let us pray that we may be faithful to the new commandment by which we shall be known as Christ’s followers. Let us pray:
“Lord, keep us in your love”

·      For the Holy Father Francis, our bishops, priests, and deacons: May they not tire of presenting Christ as one Mediator between God and humankind, who alone leads us to the Father. We pray: (R)

·      For the Church, the People of God:  May her love be patient and kind, open to all peoples, and enduring all things. We pray: (R)

·      For those who have a special ministry in the Church: May the Lord give them health, grace, and wisdom so that under their leadership, the people of God may deepen their faith and become more perfect witnesses of love. We pray: (R)

·      For those in special need:  May the Lord heal the sick, comfort the suffering and the dying, give safety to travelers, and free those unjustly deprived of liberty. We pray: (R)

·      For the Filipino nation:  As we elect our political leaders, may we vote wisely, protect the sanctity of the ballot, and respect the will of the majority of our people. We pray: (R)

(Priest):          God our Father, we, your children come before you. Renew our hearts and give us love which knows no limits, that we may be true disciples of Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord.  Amen.

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